- Hispanic Art of the Modern and Contemporary Ages and its European and American relations (ARHISMO)
- Burgos-León-Valladolid. Written sources of Castilla y León from 6th Century to 16th Century (BULEVAFUENTES)
- Audiovisual Communication and Heritage (CAYPAT)
- Disability and Behaviour (DISCONDU)
- Geographic Studies and Territorial Analysis (GEOTER)
- Identity and change in the English speaking countries and their literatures (ICCLAS)
- Inquisitorial Studies (INQUIRE)
- Laboratory Of Human Evolution (LEH)
- Power and Festive Performances (1450-1750) (PROTEO)
- Prehistoric Archeology (ARQUEOLOGÍA PREHISTÓRICA)
- Prehistory and Archaeological Heritage (PREPARQ)
- Research and training in Spanish as a foreign language (INFORELE)
- Shows and Audiovisual Culture (ECA)
- Society and Conflict. Cultural Studies of Violence (SYCON)
- The Hispanic Monarchy: War, Culture, Society and Overseas Expansion (GRUMHIS)
- Diachronic Perspectives in Castilla y León (DIACRONÍA)
- Research Group on Cultural Processes (AGORA)
- Literature and social perspectives (19th-21st centuries) (LIPERSO)
- Prehistory and Archaeological Heritage (PREPARQ)
Última actualización: 5 de Marzo de 2025