Versión española Sciences Amido-Ruca (AMIDORUCA) Análisis y Simulación Molecular de Fluidos (AdF) (English) Applied Mathematical Modelling of Materials and Engineering (GMAMMI) Bioorganic (BIOORG) Chemometrics and Qualimetrics (Q&C) Composting (UBUCOMP) Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology (BIOIND) ICCRAM Environment, Sustainability and Toxicology (ICCRAM-EST) Instrumental Analysis (GAIN) Materials simulation (GSM) Mathematical Physics (FISMAT-UBU) New Methods in Organic Synthesis (SINTORG) Oxygen Transfer (MOWUTO) Paleomagnetism (PALEOMAG-UBU) Polymers (POLYMERS) Renewable Energies And Atmospheric Pollution (ERYMAA) Sensors in food, environment and health (SAMS) Suprabur (SUPRABUR) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Complex Reactions (TERMOCIN) Procesos Electroquímicos y Almacemaniento de Energía (ProElectro) Statistical and Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Sciences (MEMIC) Social sciences Accounting, change and society (ERGO) Art education: processes, spaces and practices (EAPEP) Audiovisual Media Group and Economic Development (CADETE) Business Participation in Activities of General Interest (SPONSOR) Chair Jean Monnet Research Group in Juridical, Economical and Financial Sciences (ERESCHA) Ciumedia (CIUMEDIA) Comparative politics (POLCOM) Corporate Finance (CORFIN) (English) Didactics of History and Social Sciences (DHISO) Education, Inclusion and Technology (EDINTEC) Entrepreneurship and Family Business (Emprenfam) Land Planning, Urban Design, Environment and Sustainable Development (ORDITER) Legal studies on immigration in Castilla y León (GEJICYL) Metaheuristic (GRINUBUMET) Research in Marketing and Innovation (R+M+I) Social Inclusion and Quality of Life (SIQoL) Socio-Educational and Economic Policies for Lifelong Learning, the Promotion of Elderly Autonomy, E-learning Support and Local Development (FORMADESA) Teaching And Learning In Science (GIEC) Teaching and research in Physical Education (ENIEF) The Civil and Criminal Judicial Cooperation in the Field of European Union: Procedural Instruments (CAJI) Therapy, family and health (TFS) APrendizaje INterdisciplinar en SEcundaria (APIENSE) Educación propia, Indigenismo, Inclusión, Interculturalidad (EI3) Gestión para la sostenibilidad (GESOS) Marketing experiencial y sostenible (MK-2024-ES) Finance in Nonprofit Organizations (FINNPO) - English Laboratorio de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Burgos (LUBUMat) Engineering and construction Advanced Data Mining Research and Bioinformatics Learning (ADMIRABLE) (English) Applied Computational Intelligence (GICAP) BEST-AI (BEST-AI) Building Engineering (GIIE) DINper (DINPER) Energy Engineering Research Group (iENERGIA) Engineering and Industrial Organization (IOI) GIRAC (GIRAC) Logistic and Transport Engineering (LogIT) Materials Science and Engineering (CIMa) Organization Engineering (GIO) Responsibility in Engineering and Management (iGR) Solar and Wind Feasibility Technologies (SWIFT) (English) Structural Concrete (GITE) Structural Health Monitoring and Instrumentation (SHM&I) (AUSINCO) Structural Integrity (GIE) Sustainable Construction Research Group (SUCONS) Technology, Building, Construction and Arquitecture (GITECA) Investigación en Ingeniería Gráfica e Impresión 3D (InInGrIm3D) uic (UIC-358) Consolidated Research Unit 363 - Study of materials and structural elements Grupo de Investigación en Control, Automatización, Robótica y Optimización (ARCO) Humanities Hispanic Art of the Modern and Contemporary Ages and its European and American relations (ARHISMO) Burgos-León-Valladolid. Written sources of Castilla y León from 6th Century to 16th Century (BULEVAFUENTES) Audiovisual Communication and Heritage (CAYPAT) Disability and Behaviour (DISCONDU) Geographic Studies and Territorial Analysis (GEOTER) Identity and change in the English speaking countries and their literatures (ICCLAS) Inquisitorial Studies (INQUIRE) Laboratory Of Human Evolution (LEH) Power and Festive Performances (1450-1750) (PROTEO) Prehistoric Archeology (ARQUEOLOGÍA PREHISTÓRICA) Prehistory and Archaeological Heritage (PREPARQ) Research and training in Spanish as a foreign language (INFORELE) Shows and Audiovisual Culture (ECA) Society and Conflict. Cultural Studies of Violence (SYCON) The Hispanic Monarchy: War, Culture, Society and Overseas Expansion (GRUMHIS) Diachronic Perspectives in Castilla y León (DIACRONÍA) Research Group on Cultural Processes (AGORA) Literature and social perspectives (19th-21st centuries) (LIPERSO) Prehistory and Archaeological Heritage (PREPARQ) Health Biochemistry and Biotechnology (BBT) Data Analysis Techniques Applied in Health Environments Sciences (DATAHES) - ENGLISH Food Technology (TECNOFOOD) Food, technology and health (ALTESA) Nutrition and Dietetics (NUTRICION) One Health Microbiology (OHM) Pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, obesity and its therapeutic education (DIABO-TER) Quality, Typification and Ageing of the Honey (MIEL) Quality of Life in Diversity and Occupational Therapy (CAVIDITO) Science and Health (CYS) UNIDAD DE INVESTIGACIÓN CONSOLIDADA 357 (UIC-357-BIOTCAM) Tecnología y Terapia Ocupacional (TECTO) Investigación Avanzada en Fisiología Integrativa para la Vida (IAFIV)