Hector Jose Lozano Ordoñez , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Gustavo Adolfo Espino Ordoñez , Arancha Carbayo , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , James A. Platts , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2017) - Interstrand DNA covalent binding of two dinuclear Ru(II) complexes. Influence of the extra ring of the bridging ligand on the DNA interaction and cytotoxic activity - DALTON TRANSACTIONS: 3611-3622. Doi: 10.1039/c6dt04888a
Ana R Rubio , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2016) - Doxorubicin binds to duplex RNA with higher affinity than ctDNA and favours the isothermal denaturation of triplex RNA - RSC ADVANCES: 101142-101152. Doi: 10.1039/c6ra21387a
Rubén Gil-garcía , María Ugalde , Natalia Busto , Hector J. Lozano , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Perez , Gotzon Madariaga , Maite Insausti , Luis Lezama , Robert0 Sanz , Lidia M. Gomez-sainz , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Javier Garcia Tojal , (2016) - Selectivity of a thiosemicarbazonatocopper(II) complex towards duplex RNA. Relevant noncovalent interactions both in solid state and solution - DALTON TRANSACTIONS - 45: 18704-18718. Doi: 10.1039/c6dt02907h
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Ana M. Navarro , Francisco J. Hoyuelos , Indalecio A. Peñacoba , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2016) - Preferential solvation and mixing behaviour of the essential oil 1,8-cineole with shortechain hydrocarbons - Fluid Phase Equilibria: 127-136. Doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.08.035
Cristina Perez-arnaiz , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2016) - New microsecond intramolecular reactions of human telomeric DNA in solution - RSC ADVANCES: 39204-39208. Doi: 10.1039/c6ra04203a
Borja Diaz De Greñu Puertas , Antonio Herrera , Sebastian Pons , Jose Garcia Calvo , Jose Vicente Cuevas Vicario , Gabriel Garcia Herbosa , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Tomas Torroba Perez , Blanca Torroba , (30/04/2015) - Chemical speciation of MeHg+ and Hg2+ in aqueous solution and HEK cells nuclei by means of DNA interacting fluorogenic probes - Chemical science - 6: 3757-3764. Doi: 10.1039/c5sc00718f
Matteo Lari , Hector J. Lozano , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Terita Biver , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Saturnino Ibeas , James A. Platts , Fernando Secco , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2015) - Stabilization of Al(III) solutions by complexation with cacodylic acid: speciation and binding features - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: 29803-29813. Doi: 10.1039/c5cp04717j
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Beatriz Cano , Rocio Tejido , Tarita Biver , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Marcella Venturini , Fernando Secco , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2015) - Aggregation Features and Fluorescence of Hoechst 33258 - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 4575-4581. Doi: DOI: 10.1021/jp512306c
David Buceta , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Giampaolo Barone , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Dominguez , Lissandro J. Giovanetti , Felix G. Requejo , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , M. Arturo Lopez-quintela , (2015) - Ag2 and Ag3 Clusters: Synthesis, Characterization, and Interaction with DNA - Angew. chemie Intl. Edit.: 7612-7616. Doi: 10.1002/anie.201502917
Rebeca Ruiz , Francisco J. Hoyuelos , Ana M. Navarro , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2015) - Unequal effect of ethanol&-water on the stability of ct-DNA, poly[(dA&-dT)]2 and poly(rA)poly(rU). Thermophysical properties - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: 2025-2033. Doi: 10.1039/c4cp03459g
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Jose Neissa , Cristina Perez-arnaiz , Natalia Busto Vazquez , V. Porto , E. Borrajo , M. Arturo Lopez-quintela , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Fernando Dominguez , (2015) - Interaction of silver atomic quantum clusters with living organisms: bactericidal effect of Ag3 clusters mediated by disruption of topoisomerase&-DNA complexes - Chemical Science: 6717-6724. Doi: 10.1039/C5SC02022K
Tarita Biver , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Luisa Menichetti , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2015) - Mg(II) and Ni(II) induce aggregation of poly(rA)poly(rU) to either tetra-aggregate or triplex depending on the metal ion concentration - Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry: 115-122. Doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2015.05.001
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Marta Martínez Alonso , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Ana M. Rodríguez , Fernando Dominguez , M. Isabel Acuña , Gustavo Espino , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2015) - Monomer−Dimer Divergent Behavior toward DNA in a Half- Sandwich Ruthenium(II) Aqua Complex. Antiproliferative Biphasic Activity - ORGANOMETALLICS: 319-327. Doi: 10.1021/om5011275
Francisco J. Hoyuelos , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Tarita Biver , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2014) - RNA triplex-to-duplex and duplex-to-triplex conversion induced by coralyne - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: 6012-6018
Marta Martínez Alonso , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Felix A. Jalón , Blanca R. Manzano , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Ana M. Rodríguez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Gustavo Espino , (2014) - Derivation of Structure−Activity Relationships from the Anticancer Properties of Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes with 2‑Aryldiazole Ligands - Inorganic Chemistry: 11274-11288. Doi: 10.1021/ic501865h
Jesús Valladolid , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Carlos Hortigúela , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Gustavo Espino , Ana M. Rodríguez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Falix A. Jalon , Blanca R. Manzano , Arancha Carbayo , (2014) - Phenanthroline ligands are biologically more active than their corresponding ruthenium(II) arene complexes - DALTON TRANSACTIONS: 2629-2645. Doi: 10.1039/c3dt52743c
Maria R. Beccia , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Javier Garcia Tojal , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Matteo Tegoni , (2014) - The mechanism of the Cu2+[12-MCCu(Alaha)-4] metallacrown formation and lanthanum(III) encapsulation - DALTON TRANSACTIONS: 9271-9282. Doi: 10.1039/c4dt00557k
Cristina Perez-arnaiz , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2014) - New Insights into the Mechanism of the DNA/Doxorubicin Interaction - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 1288-1295
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jesus Valladolid Hernando , Marta Martinez Alonso , Hector Jose Lozano Ordoñez , Felix A. Jalón , Blanca R. Manzano , Ana María Rodriguez , M. Carmén Carrión , Tarita Biver , Gustavo Adolfo Espino Ordoñez , (20/08/2013) - Anticancer activity and DNA binding of a bifunctional Ru(II) arene aqua-complex with the 2,4-diamino-6-(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine ligand - Inorganic Chemistry - 52: 9962-9974. Doi: 10.1021/ic401197a
Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , H El Kaoutit , P Estevez , Fb Benabdelouahab , José Miguel García Pérez , (2013) - Chromogenic and fluorogenic detection of cations in aqueous media by means of an acrylic polymer chemosensor with pendant Rhodamine-based dyes - DYES AND PIGMENTS - 2: 414-422. Doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2012.09.009
José Miguel García Pérez , Saul Vallejos Calzada , Maria Asuncion Muñoz Santamaria , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , (2013) - Solid sensory polymer substrates for the quantification of iron in blood, wine and water by a scalable RGB technique - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A - 48: 15435-15441. Doi: 10.1039/c3ta12703f
Ana M. Navarro , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Saturnino Ibeas , Francisco J. Hoyuelos , Indalecio A. Peñacoba , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2013) - Microwave Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy Study of Alkan-1-ol/Alkylbenzoate Binary Solvents - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 11765-11771. Doi: 10.1021/jp406609r
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Hector Jose Lozano Ordoñez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2013) - Interaction of thionine with triple-, double-, and single-stranded RNAs - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B - 117: 38-48. Doi: 10.1021/jp307840c
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Giampaolo Barone , Alessio Terenzi , Antonino Lauria , Anna Maria Almerico , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2013) - DNA-binding of nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes: Structure-affinity relationships - Coordination Chemistry Reviews - 257: 2848-2862. Doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2013.02.023
Borja Diaz De Greñu Puertas , Daniel Moreno Mediavilla , Tomas Torroba Perez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , (23/01/2012) - A turn-on fluorogenic probe for detection of MDMA from ecstasy tablets - Chemical Communications - 48: 2994-2996. Doi: 10.1039/c2cc17823k
Saul Vallejos Calzada , Maria Asuncion Muñoz Santamaria , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , José Miguel García Pérez , (2012) - Methacrylate copolymers with pendant piperazinedione-sensing motifs as fluorescent chemosensory materials for the detection of Cr(VI) in aqueous media - JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: 480-483. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.05.047
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Gustavo Adolfo Espino Ordoñez , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jesus Valladolid Hernando , Cristina Aliende , Felix A. Jalón , Blanca R. Manzano , Ana María Rodriguez , Jorge F. Gaspar , Celia Martins , Tarita Biver , (2012) - Preparation of organometallic ruthenium-arene-diaminotriazine complexes as binding agents to DNA - Chemistry - An Asian Journal - 7: 788-801. Doi: 10.1002/asia.201100883
Ana M. Navarro , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Francisco J. Hoyuelos , Indalecio A. Peñacoba , Saturnino Ibeas , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2012) - Heat Capacity Behavior and Structure of Alkan-1-ol/Alkylbenzoate Binary Solvents - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 9768-9775. Doi: 10.1021/jp302934b
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2012) - The mode of binding ACMA-DNA relies on the base-pair nature - Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry - 10: 2594-2602. Doi: 10.1039/c2ob06889c
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Rafael Prado Gotor , Maria Rosa Beccia , Tarita Biver , Alberto Pardini , Jacopo Spinelli , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , María Pilar López Cornejo , Victoria Isabe Martín Herrera , (2012) - The fluorophore 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) induces DNA folding in long double-stranded DNA - Chemistry - An Asian Journal - 7: 1803-1810. Doi: 10.1002/asia.201200177
Maria R. Beccia , Tarita Biver , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Marcella Venturini , (2012) - Mechanism of Ni2+ and NiOH+ interaction with hydroxamic acids in SDS: evaluation of the contributions to the equilibrium and rate parameters in the aqueous and micellar phase - DALTON TRANSACTIONS: 7372-7381. Doi: 10.1039/c2dt30621b
Saul Vallejos Calzada , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , P Estevez , José Miguel García Pérez , (2012) - An Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Membrane as a Solid "Turn-On" Fluorescent Chemosensor for Coenzyme A (CoA), Cysteine (Cys), and Glutathione (GSH) in Aqueous Media - Sensors - 3: 2969-2982. Doi: 10.3390/s120302969
Saul Vallejos Calzada , Pedro Antonio Estevez Bolivar , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Asuncion Muñoz Santamaria , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , José Miguel García Pérez , (20/10/2011) - A selective and highly sensitive fluorescent probe of Hg(2+) in organic and aqueous media: The role of a polymer network in extending the sensing phenomena to water environments - SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL - 157: 686-690
Natalia Busto Vazquez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Jorge F. Gaspar , Celia Martins , Alessia Boggioni , Fernando Secco , (05/10/2011) - ACMA (9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxy acridine) forms three complexes in the presence of DNA - Physical chemistry chemical physics ISSN:1463-9076 - 13: 19534-19545. Doi: 10.1039/c1cp22158b
Ana Gomez Valdemoro , Miriam Trigo Lopez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , José Miguel García Pérez , (01/09/2011) - Acrylic Copolymers with Pendant 1,2,4-Triazole Moieties as Colorimetric Sensory Materials and Solid Phases for the Removal and Sensing of Cations from Aqueous Media - JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY - 49: 3817-3825
Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (08/08/2011) - Preferential Solvation in Alkanol-1-ol/Alkylbenzoate Binary Mixtures by Solvatochromic Probes - The Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 115: 10259-10269
Maria R. Beccia , Tarita Biver , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2011) - Route to Metallacrowns: The Mechanism of Formation of a Dinuclear Iron(III)-Salicylhydroxamate Complex - Inorganic Chemistry: 10152-10162. Doi: 10.1021/ic201112j
Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (15/12/2010) - Evaluation of proton activity in microemulsions by a kinetic probe - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science - 2: 465-469. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2010.09.008
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Soledad Muñoz Cerdan , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (01/12/2010) - Phosphine and Thiophene Cyclopalladated Complexes: Hydrolysis Reactions in Strong Acidic Media - Chemistry an Asian Journal: 2530-2540. Doi: 10.1002/asia.201000526
Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Rubén Gil-garcía , Marta González-álvarez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Javier Garcia Tojal , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Celia Martins , Jorge Gaspar , Joaquin Borras , (2010) - Biological assays and noncovalent interactions of pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazonecopper(II) drugs with [poly(dA&-dT)]2, [poly(dG&-dC)]2, and calf thymus DNA - Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry: 515-532. Doi: 10.1007/s00775-009-0620-7
Noelia San Jose Pascual , Ana Gomez Valdemoro , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , Felipe Jose Serna Arenas , José Miguel García Pérez , (2010) - Colorimetric anion sensing by polyamide models containing urea-binding sites - SUPRAMOL CHEM - 6: 325-338. Doi: 10.1080/10610270903531549
Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2010) - Evaluation of proton activity in microemulsions by a kinetic probe - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science: 465-469. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2010.09.008
Marta González-álvarez , Joaquin Borras , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Natalia Busto Vazquez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Celia Martins , Jorge Gaspar , Ruben Gil Garcia , Javier Garcia Tojal , (2010) - Biological assays and noncovalent interactions of Pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazonecopper(II) drugs with [Poly(dA-dT)]2, [Poly(dG-dC)]2 and CT-DNA. - Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry: 515-532
Tarita Biver , Alessia Boggioni , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2010) - New aspects of the interaction of the antibiotic coralyne with RNA: coralyne induces triple helix formation in poly(rA) poly(rU) - Nucleic Acids Research: 1697-1710. Doi: doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1146
Tarita Biver , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Elisa Turriani , (2010) - Left-handed DNA: intercalation of the cyanine thiazole orange and structural changes. A kinetic and thermodynamic approach - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: 13309-13317. Doi: 10.1039/c0cp00328j
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Tarita Biver , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , (2010) - Change of the Binding Mode of the DNA/Proflavine System Induced by Ethanol - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 8555-8564. Doi: 10.1021/jp102801z
F. Secco , Jose María Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (15/12/2009) - New aspects of the interaction of the antibiotic coralyne with RNA: coralyne induces triple helix formation in poly(rA).poly(rU)" - Nucleic Acids Res (on line)
Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Tomas Perez Perez , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Susana Palmero Diaz , Maria De Los Remedios Pedrosa Saez , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Maria Del Carmen Pereira Fuentes , Celia Reguera Alonso , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Roberto Jose Sanz Diez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Isabel Veronica Tricio Gomez , Francisco Javier Arnaiz Garcia , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Javier Garcia Tojal , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , (2009) - Design of practices in the chemistry degree so that students achieve environmental friendly habits. INTED2009 Proceedings CD, ISBN: 978-84-612-7580-9. - INTED 2009 Abstracts CD: 485-485
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , (2009) - Computational study of the interaction of proflavine with d(ATATATATAT)2 and d(GCGCGCGCGC)2 - Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem): 86-92
Marcella Venturini , A. Boggioni , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Tarita Biver , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Fernando Secco , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2009) - Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Solvent Effects on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Coraline self-Aggregation - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B - 1: 188-196
Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Soledad Muñoz Cerdan , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , (2009) - Hydrolysis Mechanisms for the Organopalladium Complex - J PHYS CHEM A: 9115-9123
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2009) - High-Pressure Study of the Methylsulfate and Tosylate Imidazolium Ionic Liquids - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 5593-5606
Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Tomas Perez Perez , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Maria Del Carmen Pereira Fuentes , Celia Reguera Alonso , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Roberto Jose Sanz Diez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Isabel Veronica Tricio Gomez , Francisco Javier Arnaiz Garcia , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Javier Garcia Tojal , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Susana Palmero Diaz , Maria De Los Remedios Pedrosa Saez , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , (2009) - Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Design of practices in the chemistry degree so that students achieve environmental friendly habits. Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} INTED2009 Proceedings CD, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Valencia, España. ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6, 2009. - INTED 2009 Proceedings CD: 4544-4555
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Maria José Davila Garvin , Begoña García Ruiz , Rafael Alcalde García , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (12/04/2008) - On the properties of Methylbenzoate/n-Hexane Mixed Solvents: A theoretical and experimental study - J PHYS CHEM B: 5047-5057
Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , (05/03/2008) - THE EUROPEAN SPACE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCES: AN OPORTUNITY TO INTRODUCE THE "PROJECTS IN CHEMISTRY". INTED2008 CD Procedings. ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7. - International Association of Technology, Education and Development
Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Celia Reguera Alonso , Susana Palmero Diaz , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Maria De Los Remedios Pedrosa Saez , Maria Del Carmen Pereira Fuentes , Tomas Perez Perez , Roberto Jose Sanz Diez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Francisco Javier Arnaiz Garcia , Isabel Veronica Tricio Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Javier Garcia Tojal , (05/03/2008) - THE EUROPEAN SPACE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCES: AN OPORTUNITY TO INTRODUCE THE "PROJECTS IN CHEMISTRY" - INTED 2008 Abstracts book: 485-485
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2008) - On the Properties of Methylbenzoate/n-Hexane Mixed Solvents: A Theoretical and Experimental Study - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 5047-5057
Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Jose María Leal Villalba , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2008) - Hexacyanoferrate (III) Oxidation of Vitamin C at Physological pH - J PHYS ORG CHEM
Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Tomas Perez Perez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Susana Palmero Diaz , Maria De Los Remedios Pedrosa Saez , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Maria Del Carmen Pereira Fuentes , Celia Reguera Alonso , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Roberto Jose Sanz Diez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Isabel Veronica Tricio Gomez , Francisco Javier Arnaiz Garcia , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Javier Garcia Tojal , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , (2008) - Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} "The European Space for Higher Education and the assessment of competences: an opportunity to introduce the "projects in chemistry", en INTED2008 CD Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7, 2008. - INTED2008 CD Proceedings
Maria José Davila Garvin , Begoña García Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Santiago Aparicio Martínez , Rafael Alcalde García , (2008) - Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Lactam Containing Binary Systems - Fluid Phase Equilibria: 90-100
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , R. Ruiz , Begoña García Ruiz , (2008) - Hexacyanoferrate (III) oxidacion of dihydroxyfumaric acid in acid media - J. Phys. Chem. A: 4921-4928
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2008) - Kinetic Study of the Hexacyanoferrate (III) Oxidation of Dihydroxyfurmaric Acid in Acid Media - J PHYS CHEM A: 4921-4928
Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2008) - Liquid-liquid equilibria of lactam containing binary systems - Fluid Phase Equilibria: 90-100
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Sevanne Halajian , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2008) - Liquid structure of ethyl lactate, pure and water mixed, as seen by dielectric spectroscopy, solvatochromic and thermophysical studies - Chemical Physics Letters: 49-55
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Javier Garcia Tojal , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Ruben Gil Garcia , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Bruno Donnadieu , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2008) - Interaction of the DNA bases and their mononucleotides with pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazonecopper(II) complexes. Structure of the cytosine derivative. - Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry - 10: 1892-1900
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Arieh Ben-naim , (2008) - A Kirkwood-Buff Analysis of Local Properties of Solutions - PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS: 2451-2460
Marcella Venturini , Vittorio Paiotta Casella , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Fernando Secco , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2008) - Role of the third strand in the binding of proflavine and Pt-proflavine to poly(rA).2poly(rU). A thermodynamic and kinetic study. - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 7132-7139
Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2008) - Measurements and predictive models for the N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone/Water/Methanol System - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 11361-11373
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2008) - Structure-Composition Relationships in Ternary Solvents Containing Methylbenzoate - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 3420-3431
Bruno Donnadieu , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Ruben Gil Garcia , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Javier Garcia Tojal , (2008) - Interaction of the DNA bases and their mononucleotides with pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazonecopper(II) complexes. Structure of the cytosine derivative. - Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry - 10: 1892-1900
Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , (22/06/2007) - Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Evaluación por competencias (autoaprendizaje y toma de decisiones) en la modalidad de trabajo en grupo - INDOQUIM: 99-100
Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , (22/06/2007) - EVALUACIÓN DE MODALIDADES Y MÉTODOS EN PRÁCTICAS MULTIDISCIPLINARES EN EL CURRÍCULO DE QUÍMICA EN EL CONTEXTO DEL E.E.E.S. - INDOQUIM
Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , (06/2007) - Una aproximación a las Competencias Transversales y su evaluación. Seminario llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Burgos. Febrero-Junio 2007 - Seminario llevado a cabo por Manuel Benito, Universidad de Burgos: 1-47
Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , Tomas Perez Perez , Francisco Javier Arnaiz Garcia , Maria De Los Remedios Pedrosa Saez , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Maria Del Carmen Pereira Fuentes , Celia Reguera Alonso , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Roberto Jose Sanz Diez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Isabel Veronica Tricio Gomez , Javier Garcia Tojal , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Susana Palmero Diaz , (2007) - Evaluación de modalidades y métodos en prácticas multidisciplinares en el currículo de Química en el contexto del EEES - Libro de resúmenes INDOQUIM 2007: 99-100
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2007) - On the properties of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium octylsulfate ionic liquid - GREEN CHEM: 221-232
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , (2007) - Characterization of Methylbenzoate-Containing Ternary Solvents - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Sheila González , (2007) - Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Nickel(II)-Salicylhydroxamic Acid System. Phenol Rotation Induced by Metal Ion Binding - Inorganic Chemistry: 3680-3687
Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Roberto Alcalde Delgado , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2007) - On the properties of 1,8-cineole. A thermophysical and theoretical study - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Asuncion Muñoz Santamaria , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2007) - Structural NMR and ab initio Study of Salicylhydroxamic and p-Hydroxybenzohydroxamic acids: Evidence for an Extended Aggregation - JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: 7832-7840
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2007) - Microwave dielectric spectroscopy of 2-pyrrolidone + water mixtures - Chemical Physics Letters: 252-257
Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2007) - Properties and structure of aromatic ester solvents - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 4417-4431
Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2007) - Properties of 1,8-Cineole: A Termophysical and Theoretical Study - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 3167-3177
M.l. Senent , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Salvador Gonzalez Carcedo , Marcella Venturini , (2006) - Phenol Rotation of Salicylhydroxamic Acid Induced by Metal Ion Binding - JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , Vittorio Paiotta Casella , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , (2006) - Intercalation of Ethidium into Triple-Strand Poly(rA).2Poly(rU): A Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 16131-16138
Maria Sagrario Sanchez Pastor , Silvia Sanllorente Mendez , Maria De La Cruz Ortiz Fernandez , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Ana Herrero Gutierrez , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Luis Antonio Sarabia Peinador , (2006) - Prácticas interdisciplinares para el desarrollo de competencias en el grado y posgrado en Química. - CD
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , (2006) - PVTx measurements of the N-Methylpyrrolidone/methanol mixed solvent: cubic and SAFT EOS analyses - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 6942-6963
Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Fernando Secco , Vittorio Paiotta Casella , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Marcella Venturini , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2006) - Intercalation of Ethidium Bromide in RNA's triple helix: A Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B: 16131-16138
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Arieh Ben Naim , (2006) - A Kirkwood-Buff Analysis of the Local Properties of Solutions - J. Phys. Chem. A
Begoña Garcia Ruiz , M.l. Senent , N. Mora Diez , (2006) - Ab initio study of the solvent effect on the acetohydroxamic acid deprotonation processes - Chemical Physics: 350-358
Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2006) - Hydrolysis Mechanisms for Indomethacin and Acemethacin in Perchloric Acid - JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: 3718-3726
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2005) - Thermophysical behavior of n-alkane plus alkylbenzoate mixed solvents. Measurements and properties modeling - Industrial and engineering chemistry research - 44: 7575-7583
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2005) - Solute-solvent interactions in lactams-water ternary solvents - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY - 29: 817-825
Begoña Garcia Ruiz (2005) - Heat Capacities and Thermophysical study of the (2-pyrrolidinone/N-methylpyrrolidinone/water) ternary solvent and their binary components. - J PHYS CHEM B
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2005) - Characterization and preferential solvation of the hexane/hexan-1-ol/methylbenzoate ternary solvent - J PHYS CHEM B - 109: 6375-6385
Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , M.l. Senent , A. Niño , C. Muñoz , (2005) - Protonation Conformations, Protonation Sites and Metal Complexation of Benzohydroxamic Acid. A Theoretical and Experimental Study - Inorganic Chemistry - 44: 2908-2919
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2005) - Structures of alkyl benzoate binary mixtures. A Kirkwood-Buff fluctuation theory study using UNIFAC - J PHYS CHEM B - 109: 19908-19914
Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Maria Soledad Muñoz Cerdan , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , (2005) - Protonation Sites of Indoles and Benzoylindoles - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 1161-1171
Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Alvaro , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Maria Soledad Muñoz Cerdan , Indalecio Antonio Peñacoba Maestre , Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , (04/11/2004) - Acid-base behaviour of organopalladium complexes [Pd(CNN)R]BF4 - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY - 28: 1450-1456
Begoña Garcia Ruiz (2004) - Kinetics and Equilibria of the Interactions of Hydroxamic Acids whit Gallium (III) and Indium (III). - INORG CHEM: 3005-3012
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , J.s. Matos , (2004) - Comments on "Densities, Viscosities, Speeds of Sound, and Relative Permittivities for Water-Cyclic Amides (2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-Methylpyrrolidinone, and 1-Vynilpyrrolidinone at Different temperatures" - JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA - 50: 293-294
Ana Marta Navarro Cuñado , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , (2004) - Measurements and Modeling of Thermophysical Behavior of (C1-C4) Alkylbenzoate/(C1-C11) Alkan-1-ol Mixed Solvents - J PHYS CHEM B - 108: 15841-15850
Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Rebeca Ruiz Diez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2004) - Characterization of Lactam-Containing Binary Solvents by Solvatochromic Indicators - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B - 108: 3024-3029
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Maria Jose Davila Garvin , (2004) - Modelling the PVTx Behavior of the N-Methylpyrrolidone/Water MIxed Solvent - Industrial and engineering chemistry research - 43: 3205-3215
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2004) - Characterization of Lactam Containing Binary Solvents by Solvatochromic Indicators - J PHYS CHEM B - 108: 3024-3029
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2003) - Preferential Solvation in Ternary Solutions Containing Methylbenzoate. A Kirkwood &- Buff Fluctuation Theory Study. - J PHYS CHEM B - 107: 13478-13486
Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Fernando Secco , Marcella Venturini , A. Muñoz , Chiara Ghinami , (2003) - NMR Studies of Phenylbenzohydroxamic Acid and Kinetics of Complex Formation with Nickel(II). - Inorganic Chemistry - 42: 5434-5441
Saturnino Ibeas Cortes , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Marcella Venturini , Fernando Secco , M.l. Senent , A. Niño , Camelia Muñoz , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , (2003) - Deprotonation Sites of Acetohydroxamic Acid Isomers. A Theoretical and Experimental Study - JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 68: 6535-6542
Rafael Teodoro Alcalde Garcia , Jose Maria Leal Villalba , Begoña Garcia Ruiz , Santiago Aparicio Martinez , (2003) - Thermophysical Behavior and Temperature Effect on the N-methylpyrrolidone + (C1-C10) alkan-1-ols Mixed Solvents. - Industrial and engineering chemistry research - 42: 920-928
(2012) - III EGC2 Physical Chemistry Today Physical Chemistry Tomorrow: 77-80
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(2011) - VI Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos - DPTO. SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS Y COMPUTACION UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA: 1-5
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