We have wonderful ongoing collaborations with several groups around the world:
- Translational cancer therapeutics research group. Universitat de Barcelona. PI Ricardo Pérez Tomás. http://www.ub.edu/cellbiology/
- Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling. BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación) PI Victor Guallar. https://www.bsc.es/life-sciences/electronic-and-atomic-protein-modelling
- Phil Gale. University of Southampton (UK) http://www.southampton.ac.uk/chemistry/about/staff/pg6.page
- Jeff Davis. University of Maryland (USA) http://www.chem.umd.edu/jeffery-davis/
- Ignacio Alfonso IQAC CISC, Barcelona
- Santiago L. Vicente. Universidad Jaume I Castellón. http://www.quimicasostenible.uji.es/index.php
Última actualización: 31 de Mayo de 2016