The project "EMaCS: European Master in Computer Science for the Human-Centric and Sustainable Industry" was submitted to the 2022 Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) call by PhD Bruno Baruque, lecturer at the Polytechnic High School of Universidad de Burgos (UBU) (single beneficiary) and it has been approved by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. EMDM is a call which promotes the development of master's degrees, among transnational higher education institutions, distinguished by its high level of innovation, curricular and management excellence and, open to prominent students worldwide.
The objective of EMaCS is to design an official master's degree of 120 ECTS, recognized in 6 countries, which provides students with a multidisciplinary approach and a strong base in human-centered industrial computing and, integrates aspects of sustainability, resilience and circular economy.
Five European partners (Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra from Portugal, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg from Germany, Université de Lorraine from France, Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara from Romania and Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu from Finland) and several associated partners will collaborate with UBU. They will develop a Consortium Agreement to establish the procedures for admission and selection of students, assessment, quality assurance or mobility management, among others.
This title will have three specialties, depending on the itinerary chosen by each student, which will help her/him acquire specific professional competences in the fields of cyber-physical systems, big data analysis or high-performance computing systems and cybersecurity. In addition, students will achieve several soft skills, such as creative thinking, efficient communication, adaptability, environmental analysis..., currently in high demand in the labour market.
EMaCS is endowed with a total budget of 55,000 euros, funded 100% by the Erasmus+ programme. During its 15 months the Consortium will have to accredit the quality of the programme by the European Approach through an international Panel of Experts that will analyse the excellence of the title.
The outcomes will be submitted to 2024 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters call. This funding is focused on the implementation and call of 5 complete editions, at least, of the designed programme including the grant of specific scholarships to students with an excellent academic and work curriculum.
R&D European projects
UBU currently participates in 46 European projects from 6 different programs, in 17 of them as coordinator.
In 2022, UBU got 13 new projects in the Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, Digital Europe and Justice programmes that add up to more than 2.3 million euros of European funds.
“Project funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. Ref. 101082284”.