El Proyecto ED-ARCHMAT (European Joint Doctorate in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials Science) tiene como objetivo formar una nueva generación de investigadores creativos y emprendedores capaces de enfrentar los desafíos actuales y futuros en la protección y gestión del Patrimonio Arqueológico y Cultural y convertir el conocimiento y las ideas en productos y servicios para el beneficio económico y social.
El estudio, la gestión y la optimización de los sitios y objetos arqueológicos y el patrimonio cultural es un sector con una fuerte connotación multidisciplinaria.
- Title and acronym:
European Joint Doctorate in ARCHaeological and Cultural Heritage MATterials Science (ED-ARCHMAT)
- Programme & call:
- Principal Investigator -Coordinator UBU:
Mª Pilar Alonso Abad (mpaabad@ubu.es)
- Project Coordinator:
Universidade de Evora - UNIEVORA (Portugal)
- Description:
The ED-ARCHMAT (European Doctorate in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Materials Science) is a MARIE Skłodowska-CURIE ACTION of Innovative Training Networks (ITN) (Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017).
EJD aims to train a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial early stage researchers able to face current and future challenges in Archaeological/Cultural Heritage protection and management and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. The study, management and optimization of Archaeological and CH sites and objects is a sector with a strong multidisciplinary connotation.
The ED-ARCHMAT EJD has a strong ESR mobility component, with the final goal of leading to lasting PhD-level cooperation between beneficiaries and partners. The EJD will also strengthen the transmission and exploitation of knowledge and enhance the innovation process in the general CH área.
The successful ED-ARCHMAT ESR will acquire innovative skills and key competence spanning across the Humanities, Materials Science, Business and Management fields, acquiring the professional figure of Conservation Scientist 1) Conservation science ; 2) Development of Diagnostic and Monitoring tools; 3) New Conservation Materials and Methods: characterization of artifacts degradation mechanisms, performance evaluation of new materials, decision making techniques, 4) Equipments: skills in the utilization of different instrumentations, 5) Energy efficient and sustainable solutions for CH materials; 6) Management and entrepreneurship in Cultural Heritage.