Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , R. Campoamor-stursberg , E. Fernández-saiz , F.j. Herranz , J. De Lucas , (2021) - Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems revisited: deformed superposition rules and applications to the oscillator algebra - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , G. Gubitosi , F.j. Herranz , (2020) - Lorentzian Snyder spacetimes and their Galilei and Carroll limits from projective geometry - Classical and Quantum Gravity
I. Gutierrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , G. Gubitosi , (2020) - The ¿-Newtonian and ¿-Carrollian algebras and their noncommutative spacetimes - Physics Letters B
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , G. Gubitosi , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , F.j. Herranz , (2020) - Generalized noncommutative Snyder spaces and projective geometry - Proceedings of Science PoS
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , (2019) - The Poincaré group as a Drinfel'd double - Classical and Quantum Gravity
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , F.j. Herranz , (2019) - Drinfel'd double structures for Poincaré and Euclidean groups - Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , F.j. Herranz , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , M. Santander , (2019) - Cayley-Klein Poisson homogeneous spaces - Geometry, Integrability and Quantization: 161-183
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , I. Gutierrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , (2019) - The ¿-(A)dS noncommutative spacetime - Physics Letters B: 93-101
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , I. Gutierrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , (2019) - Noncommutative spaces of worldlines - Physics Letters B: 175-181
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , G. Gubitosi , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , (2018) - Curved momentum spaces from quantum (Anti-)de Sitter groups in (3+1) dimensions - Physical Review D
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , R. Campoamor-stursberg , E. Fernández-saiz , F.j. Herranz , J. De Lucas , (2018) - Poisson-Hopf algebra deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , C. Meusburger , Pedro Naranjo Perez , (2017) - Quantum groups and noncommutative spacetimes with cosmological constant - Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , G. Gubitosi , I. Gutiérrez-sagredo , F.j. Herranz , (2017) - Curved momentum spaces from quantum groups with cosmological constant - Physics Letters B: 47-53
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , N.r. Bruno , (2017) - Non-commutative relativistic spacetimes and worldlines from 2+1 quantum (anti-)de Sitter groups - Advances in High Energy Physics: 7876942-1-7876942-19
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , F.j. Herranz , J. De Lucas , M. Tobolski , (2017) - Lie-Hamilton systems on curved spaces: A geometrical approach - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , F.j. Herranz , Fabio Musso , Pedro Naranjo Perez , (2017) - The kappa-(A)dS quantum algebra in (3+1) dimensions - Physics Letters B: 205-211
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , J.f. Cariñena , F.j. Herranz , M.f. Rañada , (2017) - Superintegrable systems on 3-dimensional curved spaces: Eisenhart formalism and separability - Journal of Mathematical Physics
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Orlando Ragnisco , Alberto Enciso , Danilo Riglioni , Danilo Latini , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , (01/2016) - The classical Darboux III oscillator: Factorization, Spectrum Generating Algebra and solution to the equations of motion - Journal of Physics: Conference Series: 1-12. Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/670/1/012031
Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Sengul Kuru , Javier Negro , (2016) - Factorization approach to superintegrable systems: Formalism and applications - Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Pilar G. Estévez , Javier De Lucas , Cristina Sardón , (01/2016) - Lie symmetries for Lie systems: Applications to systems of ODEs and PDEs - Applied Mathematics and Computation: 435-452. Doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2015.09.078
Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Sengul Kuru , Javier Negro , (2016) - The anisotropic oscillator on curved spaces: A new exactly solvable model - Annals of Physics
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Angel Ballesteros Castañeda , Alfonso Blasco Sanz , Fabio Musso , (09/2015) - An integrable Hénon-Heiles system on the sphere and the hyperbolic plane - Nonlinearity (Bristol. Print): 3789-3801. Doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/28/11/3789
Francisco Jose Herranz Zorrilla , Alfonso Blasco Sanz , Javier De Lucas , Cristina Sardón , (07/2015) - Lie-Hamilton systems on the plane: Applications and superposition rules - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical: 1-35. Doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/48/34/345202
(2019) - Quantum groups, non-commutative Lorentzian spacetimes and curved momentum spaces - Minkowski Institute Press, Editado por C. Duston y M. Holman: 261-290
(2019) - Curvature as an integrable deformation - Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Editado por S. Kuru, J. Negro y L.M. Nieto: 1-35
(2018) - A unified approach to Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems based on sl(2) - Springer, Editado por V. Dobrev: 347-366
(11/2015) - AIMS (enviado): 605-614