We conduct research and application work in different areas: workplace health and safety, environment, quality, road safety, manufacturing methods and processes, organization of production and lean manufacturing.
Since 2002 we have been cooperating with industrial companies, directing and carrying out projects to implement management systems, improve competitiveness through lean manufacturing and simulate industrial processes.
We have been working with the nuclear industry since 2006 to improve the nuclear safety culture.
We have processed statistics from surveys on different topics and sectors.
For Spain’s National Department of Traffic (DGT), we have conducted statistical studies on traffic accidents that focus on human, technical and environmental factors.
We have performed studies with Spain’s National Institute for Workplace Safety and Hygiene (INSHT) on working conditions and job-related stress.
Lastly, the group collaborates with the Universidad de Cantabria, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIS), Southern Illinois University, the DGT and INSHT.