Ester Trigueros Andres , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Alejandro Filipigh , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Patricia Alonso Riaño , (2021) - Enzymatic hydrolysis of the industrial solid residue of red seaweed after agar extraction: Extracts characterization and modelling - Food and Bioproducts Processing: 356-366. Doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2021.01.014
Ester Trigueros Andres , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Patricia Alonso Riaño , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Cipriano Ramos Rodriguez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , (2021) - Recovery of the protein fraction with high antioxidant activity from red seaweed industrial solid residue after agar extraction by subcritical water treatment - Journal of Applied Phycology - 2: 1181-1194. Doi: 10.1007/s10811-020-02349-0
Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , (2021) - Recovery of the protein fraction with high antioxidant activity from red seaweed industrial solid residue after agar extraction by subcritical water treatment - Journal of Supercritical Fluids - 105121. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2020.105121
Patricia Alonso Riaño , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Oscar Benito Roman , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Ester Trigueros Andres , (2021) - Subcritical water as hydrolytic medium to recover and fractionate the protein fraction and phenolic compounds from craft brewer's spent grain - Food Chemistry - 129264. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129264
Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Mansoore Kashaninejad , Beatriz Blanco Alcalde , Seyed Mehdi Niknam , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2021) - Enzymatic hydrolysis of the industrial solid residue of red seaweed after agar extraction: Extracts characterization and modelling - The Journal of Cleaner Production: 1283-1240. Doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128340
Patricia Alonso Riaño , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Ester Trigueros Andres , Alejandro Filipigh , (2021) - Subcritical water as hydrolytic medium to recover and fractionate the protein fraction and phenolic compounds from craft brewer's spent grain - Food and Bioproducts Processing: 356-366. Doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2021.01.014
Noelia Diaz Morales , Maria Dolores Rivero Perez , Monica Cavia Saiz , Gonzalo Salazar Mardones , Pilar Muñiz Rodriguez , (2021) - Cytotoxicity study of bakery product melanoidins on intestinal and endothelial cell lines - Food Chemistry. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128405
Mansoore Kashaninejad , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Beatriz Blanco Alcalde , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Seyed Mehdi Niknam , (2020) - Freeze dried extract from olive leaves: Valorisation, extraction kinetics and extract characterization - Food and Bioproducts Processing: 196-207. Doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2020.08.015
Oscar Benito Roman , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2020) - Microencapsulation of rice bran oil using pea protein and maltodextrin mixtures as wall material - Heliyon - e03615: 1-29. Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03615
Sara Rebolleda Alonso , Maria Luisa Gonzalez San Jose , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2020) - Bioactive compounds of a wheat bran oily extract obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide - Foods - 5, 625: 1-14. Doi: 10.3390/foods9050625
Patricia Alonso Riaño , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Beatriz Blanco Alcalde , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Ester Trigueros Andres , Oscar Benito Roman , (2020) - Water Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenol Compounds from Brewer's Spent Grain: Kinetic Study, Extract Characterization, and Concentration - Antioxidants - 265: 1-18. Doi: 10.3390/antiox9030265
Patricia Alonso Riaño , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Beatriz Blanco Alcalde , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Ester Trigueros Andres , Oscar Benito Roman , (2020) - Water Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenol Compounds from Brewer's Spent Grain: Kinetic Study, Extract Characterization, and Concentration - Antioxidants - 1233: 1-20. Doi: 10.3390/antiox9121233
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , (2020) - Enzyme inactivation and changes in the properties of cloudy apple juice after high-pressure carbon dioxide and thermosonication treatments and during refrigerated storage - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.14521
Oscar Benito Roman , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2020) - Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and pectin methylesterase (PME) inactivation by high pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) and its applicability to liquid and solid natural products - Catalysis Today: 112-120. Doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.12.051
Oscar Benito Roman , Sandra Varona , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - Valorization of rice bran: Modified supercritical CO
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , (2019) - High pressure CO2 solubility in food model solutions and fruit juices - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 120-125. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.07.009
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , (2019) - Structural changes of a protein extract from apple with polyphenoloxidase activity obtained by cationic reversed micellar extraction induced by high-pressure carbon dioxide and thermosonication - Scientific Reports - 1. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-50209-w
Oscar Benito Roman , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - Pectin methylesterase inactivation by High Pressure Carbon Dioxide (HPCD) - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 111-121. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.11.009
Oscar Benito Roman , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Esther De Paz Barragan , (2019) - Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of quinoa oil: Study of the influence of process parameters on the extraction yield and oil quality - Food Chemistry: 138-148. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.07.082
Juan Valencia Ramos , Juan Arnáez , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Alicia Mirás Mirás , Carlos Ochoa , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - A comparative in vitro study of standard facemask jet nebulization and high-flow nebulization in bronchiolitis - Experimental Lung Research - 1-2: 13-21. Doi: 10.1080/01902148.2019.1599084
Angela Garcia Solaesa , Marina Villanueva , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Felicidad Ronda , (2019) - Characterization of Quinoa Defatted by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Starch Enzymatic Susceptibility and Structural, Pasting and Thermal Properties - Food and Bioprocess Technology - 9: 1593-1602. Doi: 10.1007/s11947-019-02329-4
Juan Valencia Ramos , Juan Arnáez , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Alicia Mirás , Carlos Ochoa , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - A comparative in vitro study of standard facemask jet nebulization and high-flow nebulization in bronchiolitis - Experimental Lung Research. Doi: 10.1080/01902148.2019.1599084
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Oscar Benito Roman , (2019) - High pressure CO2 solubility in food model solutions and fruit juices - Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie: 359-365. Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2019.03.091
Oscar Benito Roman , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Esther De Paz Barragan , Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - Studies of polyphenol oxidase inactivation by means of high pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 310-321. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.07.026
Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Oscar Benito Roman , Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2019) - Supercritical CO2 assisted synthesis and concentration of monoacylglycerides rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - Journal of CO2 Utilization: 65-74. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcou.2019.02.015
Oscar Benito Roman , María Rodríguez Perrino , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2018) - Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of quinoa oil: Study of the influence of process parameters on the extraction yield and oil quality - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 62-71. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.05.009
Jose Antonio Reglero Ruiz , Saul Vallejos Calzada , Blanca Sol Pascual Portal , Cipriano Ramos Rodriguez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Felix Clemente Garcia Garcia , José Miguel García Pérez , (2018) - Microcellular polymer films based on cross-linked 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and methyl methacrylate - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 270-278. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.07.011
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Angela García Solaesa , Maria Olga Ruiz Perez , (2018) - Evaluation of HPCD batch treatments on enzyme inactivation kinetics and selected quality characteristics of cloudy juice from Golden delicious apples - Journal of Food Engineering: 141-150. Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.10.017
Angela García Solaesa , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2018) - Solaesa, .G., Sanz, M.T., Melgosa, R., Beltrán, S. Oxidation kinetics of sardine oil in the presence of commercial immobilized lipases commonly used as biocatalyst - Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie: 228-235. Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.05.032
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Oscar Benito Roman , Sandra Varona , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2018) - Effect of thermosonication batch treatment on enzyme inactivation kinetics and other quality parameters of cloudy apple juice6 - Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies: 71-80. Doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2018.02.001
Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Ester Trigueros Andres , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , (2018) - Effect of high pressure carbon dioxide on tomato juice: Inactivation kinetics of pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase and determination of other quality parameters - Journal of Food Engineering: 64-71. Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2018.06.027
Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Angela Garcia Solaesa , Esther De Paz Barragan , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Daniela L. Lamas , (2017) - Supercritical carbon dioxide as solvent in the lipase-catalyzedethanolysis of fish oil: Kinetic study - Journal of CO2 Utilization: 170-179. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcou.2016.11.011
Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Angela Garcia Solaesa , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2017) - Phase behaviour of the pseudo-ternary system carbon dioxide + ethanol + fish oil at high pressures - The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics: 106-113. Doi: 10.1016/j.jct.2017.07.032
Angela García Solaesa , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2017) - Substrates emulsification process to improve lipase-catalyzed sardine oil glycerolysis in different systems. Evaluation of lipid oxidation of the reaction products - Food Research International: 572-578. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.07.048
F. U. Afifi , V. Kasabri , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , A. Abuhammad , I.f. Abaza , O. Ganado , A.h. Al-gabbiest , (2017) - Comparison of different methods in determination of essential oil composition of Origaum syriacum L. from Jordan and its modulation of pancreatic enzymes - Revue Roumaine de Chimie - 1: 15-21
Angela Garcia Solaesa , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , (2016) - Kinetic study and kinetic parameters of lipase-catalyzed glycerolysis of sardine oil in a homogeneous medium - Chinese Journal of Catalysis - 4: 596-606. Doi: 10.1016/S1872-2067(15)61040-3
Angela Garcia Solaesa , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Mia Falkeborg , Zheng Guo , (2016) - Production and concentration of monoacylglycerols rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by enzymatic glycerolysis and molecular distillation - Food Chemistry: 960-967. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.06.061
Heliodoro Briongos Sanchez , Alba Ester Illera Gigante , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2016) - Effect of high pressure carbon dioxide processing on pectin methylesterase activity and other orange juice properties - Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie: 411-419. Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.07.069
Laura Alonso López , Lara Roque Viadas , Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2016) - Solubilization of Span 80 niosomes by sodium dodecyl sulfate - ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering - 4: 1862-1869. Doi: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00148
Silvia Liliana Bucio López , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Angela Garcia Solaesa , Maria Olga Ruiz Perez , (2016) - Study of the influence of process parameters on liquid and supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from rendered materials: Fish meal and oil characterization - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 270-277. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2015.09.019
María Matos González , Carlos Francisco García Olmos , Miguel ángel Suárez Valdés , María Del Carmen Pazos Medina , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , (2016) - Treatment of oil-in-water emulsions by a destabilization/ultrafiltration hybrid process: statistical analysis of operating parameters - Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers - 59: 295-302. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2015.08.006
David Allende-honrado , Daniel Pando Rodríguez , María Matos González , Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime , María Del Carmen Pazos Medina , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , (2016) - Optimization of a membrane hybrid process for oil-in-water emulsions treatment using Taguchi experimental design - Desalination and Water Treatment - 57: 4832-4841. Doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.1002433
Marta Bernal Ortega , Maria Olga Ruiz Perez , Ramona Mihaela Geanta , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , (2016) - Colour removal from beet molasses by ultrafiltration with activated charcoal - Chemical Engineering Journal - 283: 313-322. Doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.07.047
Cipriano Ramos Rodriguez , Ana Garcia Rodriguez , Victorino Diez Blanco , (06/05/2015) - Hydrodynamic characterization of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating wastewater with several oil and grease levels - Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química - 2: 453-465
Angela Garcia Solaesa , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Silvia Liliana Bucio López , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , (2015) - Glycerolysis of sardine oil catalyzed by a water dependent lipase in different tert-alcohols as reaction medium. - Grasas y Aceites - 4: 1-11. Doi: 10.3989/gya.0238151
Sara Rebolleda Alonso , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , Maria Luisa Gonzalez San Jose , (2015) - Formulation and Characterization of Wheat Bran Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsions - Food Chemistry - 167: 16-23. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.06.097
Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Silvia Liliana Bucio López , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2015) - Enzymatic activity and conformational and morphological studies of four commercial lipases treated with supercritical carbon dioxide - Journal of Supercritical Fluids: 51-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.11.003
Silvia Liliana Bucio López , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Helena Sovová , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2015) - Kinetic study for the ethanolysis of fish oil catalyzed by Lipozyme® 435 in different reaction media - Journal of Oleo Science: 431-441. Doi: 10.5650/jos.ess14263
Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Rodrigo Melgosa Gomez , Silvia Liliana Bucio López , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Angela Garcia Solaesa , (2015) - Glycerolysis of sardine oil catalyzed by a water dependent lipase in different tert-alcohols as reaction medium - Grasas y Aceites - 4: 1-11. Doi: 10.3989/gya.0238151
Roberto Fraile Saez , Ramona Mihaela Geanta , Mª Isabel De Los Angeles Escudero Barbero , Jose Manuel Benito Moreno , Maria Olga Ruiz Perez , (2015) - Formulation of Span 80 niosomes modified with SDS for lactic acid entrapment - Desalination and Water Treatment - 56: 3463-3475. Doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.993726
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Angela Garcia Solaesa , Maria Teresa Sanz Diez , Sagrario Beltran Calvo , Sara Rebolleda Alonso , Silvia Liliana Bucio López , (2014) - Characterization of Triacylglycerol Composition of Fish Oils by Using Chromatographic Techniques - Journal of Oleo Science - 63: 449-460. Doi: 10.5650/jos.ess13202
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