The research group Identities and Changes in Anglophone Cultures and Literatures (ICCLAS), addresses identity and transformation in contemporary anglophone cultures. The increasing speed with which social changes occur, and how these affect the individual, his/her identity and affiliation, call into question substantive aspects of the human being. Aspects such as gender, nationality, vocation, power or belonging become paramount issues that need exploration. Transformation, liminality and identity in the Anglophone world are explored by this research group using philosophical, literary, cultural and social disciplines.

Dr. María Amor Barros will be Plenary Speaker at the XVI Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, "The Irish Independence: A hundred years of perspectives and the effects...

Online Free Event (Multiplier Event).
24-25 June, 2021 -
Hosted by the University of Burgos
Dr. María Amor Barros participates in the launch of the volume "Anne Enright. Feminine Aesthetics: Writing, Mothering, Spiraling", authored by Caroline Efrausino and...