Applicants, regardless of when the inscription is done, should pay 40€ for management and administration expenses.
Every applicant who has not obtained a place will become part of a waiting list, which will be used when any of the admitted candidate’s vacancy should occur. Related to the payment of 300€ for its reservation and after previous payment for the management and administration fee of 40€, the Hall of residence will return in the following cases:
- To those awardees who have obtained a place will be refunded through the amount charged of its drawdown in the first quarter payment.
- To those who have not obtained a place.
- To those who have cancelled the preregistration registered till 11th July.
Applicants who have handed in their application from the date of 12th July and who have not waived expressly before 26st July, will have no right to claim the repayment for the place reservation.
The acceptance of the admission requires the formalization of a bond by a payment, by bank transfer to the bank account nº ES49 2100 8690 8202 0001 7691. Its SWIFT CODE (BIC): CAIX ES BB XXX.
The bond consists of the income monthly payment of the type of place that has been allocated. A copy of the receipt payment stating the concept of performance bond and its payment date should be sent to the Management of the Hall of Residence.
The time-limits for bond payment are:
If the stakeholder’s name appears in the list of 20th June or 11th July 2019, there is a maximum of 10 days. For those who are in the list of admissions at a later date, the maximum time-limit will be of three days from the date of the communication.
- 711€ (New residents)
- 673€ (Residents in their 2nd Year)
- 636€ (Residents in their 3rd Year)
- 598€ (Residents in their 4th Year)
- 836€ (New residents)
- 798€ (Residents in their 2nd Year)
- 760€ (Residents in their 3rd Year)
- 722€ (Residents in their 4th Year)
- 911€ (New residents)
- 873€ (Residents in their 2nd Year)
- 836€ (Residents in their 3rd Year)
- 798€ (Residents in their 4th Year)
Once at the end of the resident’s stay, prior verification of the room and the bed linen checked to be in perfect conditions as for the rest of the common facilities, the bond will be refunded. Under no circumstances the bond will be refunded in the case the resident has declined his place before joining the Center o without fulfilled his stay.
The payment fee for the room will be paid out on the quarterly basis and in advance. Such first payment will be made by bank transfer of the amount which is the result of multiplying by 3 the price for the room allocated by the University. From such amount 140€ will be deducted which corresponds to the initial amount paid as reservation. By doing so the resident will be refunded the amount for place booking. The second and third quarterly payment may also be made by SEPA direct debit order for the monthly receipts. The amount will be the result of multiplying by 3 the price for the room allocated for the resident.
In case of an anticipated decline or the expulsion of the resident -having been paid the quarterly payment, no refund will be made.
The amounts to be paid as “Itinerant guest” will be paid in advance by credit card at the Hall of Residence reception desk.