For the first time, the strategic partnership of the project co-funded by the European Commission "Specialized and updated training supporting advance technologies for early childhood" 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032661, a partnership formed by three European universities (University of Burgos, University of Roma Tre (Italy) and Croatian University of Sveuciliste u Rijeci) and the companies GESTIONET S.L (Spain) and SENIOR EUROPA S.L (Spain), has met for the first time.
Destacados de Consolidated Research Unit UIC 348 - Educational and Health Psychology: application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques 

This project aims to develop training modules and practical virtual laboratories for the training and updating of early care professionals in technologies based on IoT and artificial intelligence techniques.

These actions take the form of different training modules and the creation of a prototype to be inserted in the virtual learning platform.