The Degree contemplates a total of 53 subjects, structured in 3 academic courses, with a total of 205 ECTs.
The work methodology is adapted to the two types of subjects that configure the Degree. The contents related to the ATPLs will be taught by FlyBy Aviation Academy (regulated under the European aviation authority EASA) and academic subjects will be taught by expert personnel, distinguish professors and top proffessionals selected by the Burgos University.
The classes related to the ATPL subjects will be carried out following an intensive work calendar (approved by Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea -AENA-) and the classes related to the rest of the subjects of the Degree will follow the calendar set by the Degree Committee.
Day and night flight instruction practices will follow the plan set by FlyBy.
All lectures will provided in English language.
The Degree Team will teach contents related to:
-Subjects dedicated to specific ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) training
-Material called training (situation subjects)
-Specific subjects of aeronautical technology and management
-Aircraft flight practices
-Practices in Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 simulators