The RG of the UBU DATAHES and the CIU of the Junta de Castilla y León Nº 348 are firmly committed to the internationalisation of the research and knowledge transfer they carry out. From this objective, they are developing cooperation links through different research projects co-financed by the European Union, by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the ERDF Funds through the development of concept tests, spin-offs and support to non-profit institutions.
In this line, within the ERASMUS agreement signed with the Escola Superior de Enfermagem Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Professor Analisa Lia Silva Candeias has carried out a teaching and research stay. Among the activities carried out, the lecture "Human Enhancement, Mental Health & Bioethics" was given at the Faculty of Health Sciences. This dissertation dealt with the problem of "what are the limits of the relationship between human enhancement, mental health and bioethics? Professor Silva Candeias argued that human enhancement, mental health and bioethics focus on the human being in order to facilitate the understanding of what the benefits and disadvantages of human enhancement can be on the promotion and prevention of mental health. One possible answer is that it is up to bioethics to stimulate and favour the best protection of the human being in order to achieve the greatest positivity of enhancement in the evolutionary development of the human being.
Professor Silva Candeias also shared teaching experiences with students of the Degree in Nursing, specifically in the subject Research Methodology and Information Systems taught by Dr. Diego Serrano Gómez and Professor Laura Alonso Martínez.
Professor Analisa also visited the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Health Sciences. In this centre, she was shown both the facilities and the software that have been implemented in this course and which refer to the use of Laerdal Global Health simulators, in this case for Nursing. These tools address the intervention in different processes or affectations in different ages of the life cycle (newborns, children, young people, adults or the elderly). Specifically, simulation practice focuses on innovation centred on impact through the use of evidence-based knowledge in order to implement the most efficient and effective teaching possible.
Dr. Sáiz Manzanares, director of RG DATAHES and CIU No. 348, pointed out the importance of promoting interactions and collaborations with researchers and professors from other universities, such as the Universidade do Minho, both in teaching and research. Specifically, she thanked the willingness of the different professionals of this University through various collaboration agreements (ERAMUS+) and the progress they are making for research and internationalisation of the aforementioned research groups.