For the first time, the strategic partnership of the project co-funded by the European Commission "Specialized and updated training supporting advance technologies for early childhood" 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032661, a partnership formed by three European universities (University of Burgos, University of Roma Tre (Italy) and Croatian University of Sveuciliste u Rijeci) and the companies GESTIONET S.L (Spain) and SENIOR EUROPA S.L (Spain), has met for the first time.
The objectives of the project refer to the development of a training programme aimed at the specialisation of professionals related to early care for 0-6 year olds. The training activities will apply innovative teaching methodologies based on the use of avatars, gamification, virtual laboratories and virtual reality. Likewise, the entire training process will be carried out within a virtual learning environment that will apply different resources to facilitate self-assessment and personalised learning.
Artificial Intelligence techniques will be used to adapt the materials and learning resources to the records found in the VLE virtual learning platform. The objective, as explained by Professor María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, is to find out the different profiles and learning patterns of the participants and, based on these, to develop personalised pedagogical designs in the VLE. This teaching methodology is called Evidence-based Learning and Advanced Learning Technologies. Similarly, the project contemplates two learning outcomes based on the development of training modules and their integration into the VLE and the development of virtual laboratories, which apply simulation practices through virtual reality techniques.
In addition, two learning activities will be carried out in a two-fold manner. On the one hand, the implementation of two training modules and the development of early care practices in virtual laboratories. This training programme will have an international scope.
This training proposal is framed within the objective of the European Agenda 2030 aimed at training professionals, in this case early care professionals, in digital competences applied to the professional field.
The project -coordinated by the University of Burgos- is funded with €399,937 and involves members of the recognised research groups ADMIRABLE, BEST-AI, DATAHES and GEOTER. In addition, this project is supported by different educational centres CEE: "Fray Pedro Ponce de León" (Burgos), CEIP: "Fernando de Rojas" (Burgos), APACE (Burgos), Asociación Síndrome Down (Burgos), Federación de Autismo Burgos, Asociación Turing (Perú), Scuola dell'infanzia del Comune di Roma Capitale "Salvatore Quasimodo (Roma), Scuola dell'Infanzia del Comune di Roma capitale "Faro dei bimbi" and Scuola dell'Infanzia del Comune di Roma Capitale "Gregna di Sant'Andrea". All of them are relevant in promoting inclusive education, the ultimate goal of the e-EarlyCare-T project.
The next meeting of the strategic partnership will take place in March and the content of the training modules will be discussed.