The 'Chemometrics and Qualimetrics' research group is a consolidated group with research activity since 1988. Its members are professionals of Statistics and O.R. and Analytical Chemistry and this transversal character is reflected in the research activities devoted to develop, validate and implement models capable of 'translating' data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into decision-making. Specifically, the research focuses on:
- The design and selection of optimal experimental procedures, for chemical laboratories and in the context of Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
- Building predictive models based on multivariate and/or multiway techniques.
- Typification and multivariate characterization of products (food, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
- Programing of 'ad hoc' algorithms in experimental design and artificial intelligence.
- Adaptation of multivariate calibration models of techniques and/or hyphenated instruments to the requirements of official regulations, expanding the potential of chemical instrumentation when systematic analyses are performed.
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