The Research Group of Building Engineering (GIIE), was created on 30/01/2009 within the Department of Architectural and Engineering Building and Land of the University of Burgos from Research Group durability Building Materials and Civil Engineering.
The members included in the Group are full professors, associate professors and laboratory staff of Department of Laboratory Construction and Building Materials Laboratory of High Polytechnic School. In addition, some researchers’ experts on different fields of some enterprises or other institutions usually collaborate with us. The Group has some doctoral fellowship financed with own research projects, being open to future incorporations of other potential researchers. Frequently collaborations with national and international groups as the Research Group of Technology and Environment (TEMA) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid have been carried out with many scientific results. Furthermore, the Construction and Building Materials Laboratory is part of the network of the Spanish Railway Technology Platform and the Network of Public Laboratories Spanish ATRIALAB.